Is this tour for me?

Activity Level 1
Very little physical activity is involved other than boarding the coach, city walks and short walks to dinners and sites of interest, some of which are large and may have uneven surfaces and steps.

Activity Level 2
These are busy tours that feature a lot of moving around. Walking tours of cities are leisurely but you should be prepared to be on your feet for several hours. May include walking on uneven surfaces and steps, including boarding the coach.

Activity Level 3
Tours require a greater level of physical activity. Walking tours of cities are leisurely but you should be prepared to be on your feet for several hours and walk longer distances which may be over uneven ground and steps, climb in and out of zodiacs or small boats without assistance. This tour may include some activities not suitable for people with mobility restrictions.

Activity Level 4
Although no previous experience is required, being physically capable and active is important. You must be able to walk longer distances, which may be over uneven ground and steps, climb in and out of zodiacs or small boats without assistance; walk on docks which may have steep ramps at low tide. This tour is not appropriate for people with mobility restrictions.

Activity Level 5
You must be able to walk longer distances (up to and occasionally exceeding 4 km), which may be over uneven surfaces and steps, or at higher altitudes; climb in and out of zodiacs or small boats without any assistance; walk on docks which may have steep ramps at low tide and handle your own luggage for short distances. This tour is very active, requiring participants to be in good health and physically capable to enjoy all aspects of the tour. This itinerary may have more strenuous activities.

*If you are not able to participate in our leisurely or comfortable activity levels, WestWorld Tours recommends that you bring a companion to assist you. The Tour Director and Driver have many responsibilities, so please do not expect them, or your fellow travelers, to provide ongoing assistance. *